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Marine Documentation for trade fleet and yachts

на русском

Welcome to my personal site dedicated to technical operation of marine fleet and small craft!

Operation of modern fleet from trade to small craft requires plenty of technical documentation which is imposed by a maritime authorities over the world. Such requirements are based on IMO conventions, codes and resolutions such as SOLAS-74, MARPOL 73/78, IMDG, ISM, ISPS Codes and other and also national norms and standards.
I am self employed marine specialist having years of experience in development and issuing of wide range of operational marine documentation for trade fleet and pleasure craft.
I work at home, therefore my clients are not have to cover expenses for office and etc. Prices for my services consist only my working time. As a honest professional i have a sober view on average cost of working time and keep my prices not higher then actual existing rates in the branch.

I mainly specialize in following branches:

1. Technical documentation for trade fleet:

- analysis of compliance with requirements of classification societies (in some cases required by classification societies);
- cargo securing manuals (required by IMO MSC/Circ.745 );
- basings for carriage of dangerous cargoes (in some cases required by classification societies according to IMDG Code);
- shipboard oil pollution prevention plans (SOPEP) (in accordance with Regulation 26 of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78);
- fire plans and fire operational booklets (required by SOLAS regulation II-2/15).
- wide range of ship operational drawings and schemes;
- cruising capacity calculations and garbage plans (required by MARPOL 73/78);
- safety management manual (required by ISM Code);
- ship security plans (required by ISPS Code).

2. Language translations.

I specialized on english-to-russian and reciprocal translations of marine technical documentation.

3. Technical documentation for small craft:

- analysis of compliance with requirements of Russian register of shipping and Russian small craft state inspection;
- wide range of calculations according to regulations of Russian register of shipping and Russian small craft state inspection.

4. Survey for thechnical condition of small craft.

Prior to purchase a boat, it is reasonable to estimate her real condition in scope of hull, rig, propulsion and deck machinery to ensure that the offer is profitable. Carrying out for such detail survey is use to difficult for a customer and better way is to apply for professional. My experience in this scope is not only words as well as in others, i built this sail boat by my own hands from keel to top of the mast and each single screw remembers my fingers.

5. Single voyage delivery of yacht for owner and settling it's purchase abroad.

In some cases it is very profitable to buy a boat abroad - in counties with deep marine culture, where the range of proper offers is significantly wider as compare with, for example, Russia. There are different ways how to find a boat abroad and we can also find opportune form of cooperation in this course.
I have professional license of marine navigator, license of yacht skipper, have experience of working on trade fleet as a mate and as a skipper on sailing yachts.

I work without prepayment. Costs of my services are very cheap.

see examples of my documentation here

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